Jumat, 23 Maret 2012

[ROM/NEXT] ICS Ultra Nusa XX [xx] ( 2012)


“Ultra is Leveling UP your Phone”

Ini adalah salah satu ROM pertama ane buat HH GT-i9100 atau Samsung Galaxy S II dulu ane juga sempat ngembangin ROM buat adiknya I9000 dengan nama Bududroid OS

Its Ultra Sleek & Smooth :D
My purpose to make this ROM is for stabilty and Daily Use


Changelog & Feature :
V1.5.1 :
- change the kernel to DXLP7
- added lidroid 15 Toogles systemUI
- Deep Sleep tweaker for idle Best Battery Life
(It will going fast to make your S II take a deep sleep) Activity CPU can be monitor with CPU spy
Note : Please don't use Set CPU or something to underclock your phone when the screen off, or it will make your device is take a very deep sleep and you must pull out the battery !!!
- Smart Scale Performance
- Change the Mms.apk to more ICS look
- removed the Google Music (You can download manually on Play Store)
- removed Swype
- removed the modded lib Vsync (not working yet)
- OPTIONAL ([COLOR="Red"]Beats Audio[/COLOR] Add on in Attachment Below.. Tested and compare before and after and it has a improve the sound quality)

V.1 :
- initial Release
- based on Samsung Stock DXLP7 (ICS 4.0.3) >> stable base & more fluid
- Re-Optimizing System
- Ultra Zipaligned apk
- Rooted with CF LPQ Kernel (Thanks to Chainfire)
- Vsync FPS Capped disabled
- ICS Look with Vertumus Theme (Thanks to Vertumus)
- Added a Snakes’s Battery Boost
- Added MIUImusic app
- AOKP port system application :
* mms.apk
* phone.apk
* contact.apk
* exchanger.apk

- Launcher
* APEX Launcher
* Nova Launcher
- more Vivid RGB Screen (Dynamic Improved)
- more Ultra Sleek & Smooth Scrolling
- Faster & Smoother Rotation Animation
- Battery Life improvement
- etc.

ScreenShoot :

Cara penginstallan:
Harus FULL WIPE kalau ga si agan bisa kena issue FC atau apalah krna banyak cache yg old masih nyangkut terutama Dalvik Cache

1. Download ROMnya gan
2. Taruh Internal SD Card
3. Ke Recovery Mode caranya power + vol up + menu dari si HH kondisi mati
4. Wipe Data Cache/Factory Reset
5. Wipe Cache
6. klik ke  Advance – Wipe Dalvik Cache
7. Baru deh pilih ROM zipnya
8. Tunggu gan
9. Reboot

10. Wait for Booting
11. Enjoy the Ultra Nusa ROM ;)


If you just installing this ROM and you run a many program it will possible freeze for first time or unresponding system.
Please wait for the ROM for syncrhronizing system :)


Please set up your Phone then Reboot Device
“If you have a not responding system apk its normal then use your phone usually the system/apk now rebuilding caching system “

Recommended to restore APP ONLY from Titanium Backup ... APP+data only for restoring game :)


New v1.5.1:
Click http://d-h.st/SSV for Download :D

Additional & Others:
if you want to add Beats Audio Lib for Audio Enchachement to your Ultra :)
Its compatible to with Another ICS ROM so free to download


Please CLICK THANKS BUTTON &RATE THE ORIGINAL THREAD !!! If you like the ROM, I have a worked hard to sharing this ROM cos of my Lack Bandwitch in my Country.. Its all about 6 Hour ++ to successfully upload the ROM

Credits to :
- User Who USE this ROM:)
- Google for the Android OS
- Samsung for the Device and Stock ROM
- Beats Audio Lib from RockoDev :)
- Chainfire for The Kernel
- Vertumus for the Theme
- DX for DX BatteryBooster
- XDA & moderator


The Best Review or reason & motivating me to maintain this ROM :[/B]

Thx for Abhishek @IphoneAndroidTips :)
© 2011 ANDROID-DEVELOPER INDONESIA | Except as noted, this content is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2.5.
For details and restrictions, see the Content License | Recode by Ardhiansyam | Based on Android Developers Blog